Jan-Lukas Else

Thoughts of an IT expert

Tags: Thoughts

Why I bought a new laptop 💻

Published on in ✍️ Posts

I just updated my Hardware Uses page. Recently, I bought a new notebook and today I reset my Surface Go and sent it to a trade-in portal.


Published on in 💬 Micro

Why can’t I sleep when I’m excited? And why am I not excited during the day, but then my thoughts are circling at night? Well at least I slept well yesterday. Maybe that helps to get through the day somehow after only 3 or 4 hours of sleep.


Old content warning

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Recently I implemented a setting in my blog software to disable the warning above posts older than one year. A setting that has its justification.


Published on in 💬 Micro

I just discovered that my phone app (on my personal smartphone) shows me the total call duration of all calls made with the phone so far. A total of about 137.5 hours, which is over five and a half days (!). And that’s just the calls I’ve made using the phone app in the last 22 months. With Telegram and WhatsApp (and my landline phone), I’m sure a few more hours could be added. I’ve often heard the statement that smartphones are hardly used for making calls anymore these days. But apparently I can disprove that. On average, I make calls for just under six and a half hours (375 minutes) every month (with the phone app on my smartphone).


My current state regarding meal replacements

Published on in 💭 Thoughts

In my 2019 Year in Review, I wrote the following:


No standstill?

Published on in 💭 Thoughts

When I reflect on myself like this, I have long had the impression that I am a person who cannot live at a standstill. I always need a topic that keeps me busy, a thing in my life that I can optimize or at least a frequently changing topic that I can dive into.


Reflecting on my work

Published on in 💭 Thoughts

I have been a full-time software developer for over a year now. I’ve since settled in well in the job, and I’m getting along better and better, even if the topics are sometimes still quite complex and difficult to understand, especially when it comes to “historically grown” things.


About listening to music

Published on in 💭 Thoughts

Sometimes I like to listen to music, I listen to a song, which gives me a good feeling, then another and another. I feel really good, sometimes I could even dance, although I don’t really like dancing.


How many things do I own?

Published on in 🔗 Links

Even though starting my job has put me in a situation where I can sometimes afford stuff just like that, and maybe buy the occasional thing without thinking much when I should have before, I still make sure to keep the number of things I own low.


“I’m worried about humanity’s future.”

Published on in 🔗 Links

Via Nicholas Danes I came across the video of Arun Maini (Mrwhosetheboss): “I’m worried about humanity’s future”. In this he addresses some good aspects. It’s about the impact of technology on our lives, society and behaviour. For example, he talks about the fact that algorithms are increasingly trying to keep us in front of the screen for as long as possible, that echo chambers are creating more and more negativity, and that we may soon no longer be able to distinguish between fiction and reality because of AI.




Jan-Lukas Else